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A Customized Audio Experience

Hands on Control Board


Revise.WAV actively customizes the soundtrack by giving each of the players stat an instrument and motif. As that stat changes, so will the instrumentation.


As the stat levels up, the instrument associated with that stat will add another layer, making its motif more intricate. If the player changes the element or status effect associated with that skill, the instrumentation changes to match that decision.



To demonstrate the concept, I was given permission to test the concept of Revise.WAV using the node system from Guardians' Legacy.


Each branch and sub branch effects a certain element of the music. The main branches change the instrumentation. The sub branches change the intensity of the post processing effects. And the Level of the node adds layers to each motif.


While there are games that adapt their score to the game's events, it is typically done in the same way you would in a film. It is usually structured through leitmotifs for the purpose of the narrative.


With Revise.wav, the music and sound effects are tied directly to the game's mechanics. Reinforcing the player's stats through musical layering allows the player to more vividly feel the progression.

Revise.WAV: Awards


The following video is an explanation on how this system can work within the realms of an RPG. Through this you will be able to see how Revise.wav works in tandem with the node system in Guardians' Legacy.

Revise.WAV: Video

Further Showcase

Revise.WAV: Video
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